Sunday, 27 October 2013

What To do When Feeling Down

I am sure you have experienced these before; tiredness, lethargic, unmotivated and unfocused. These are signs that you need to do something to get back on track. Like the wheel, life has its up and down.

However, if the wheel is mostly down all the time, then something needs to be done to put the wheel (your life back in order). Below are some of the tips to get you back on track and feel motivated again;

1. Write the gratitude list. The next time you feel down, take a pen and paper and spend 3 minutes to write 10 things that you are thankful (to God) for in your life. Be specific. If you want more impact, email it to yourself. I can assure you that you will feel better when you read your own email early the next day.

2. Allocate your Power Hour. Power Hour is the time, say 30 minutes to an hour that you spend with yourself, away from your spouse, children, friends and gadgets. Do something that you love during this Power Hour. Personally, I use this time to read Scriptures and motivational books, pray and meditate. Other activities include exercising, engrossed in your own hobbies and others.

3. Take a break. Go for that long deserved holiday, go on a short getaway with your spouse, catch a movie or spend a day in your local library. Go deep sea fishing with your friends and forget about work for a day or two.

4. Surround yourself with positive people. We are like the 5 people we mix the most with. Choose to stay around positive people. These are those that look at life in an optimistic way, embrace challenges and like to uplift one another. They use positive language and seldom talk bad things about other people.

5. Feed your mind with positive messages. Read positive books. Go and watch uplifting movies, play and dramas. Buy motivational cds and listen to them in the car, your office or home. Do not let a little bit of negativity enter your mind.  

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Balanced Life

One of the most pressing issues most working adults face today is having a balanced life. Balanced life means a person experiences fulfillment in all aspect of his life be they work, play, love and others.

One of the best ways to know whether we have a balanced life is by performing personal reflection using the Wheel of Life Technique. This technique is used by many professional business coaches to help their clients achieve a more balanced thus fulfilled life.

The technique is very simple. Rank your personal satisfaction by marking on the marks allocated at the wheel. The more satisfied you are, the higher the marks you allocate, the further it moves from the center of the wheel. Finally, connect all the marks and analyse whether your 'wheel' is balanced ie more or less round or imbalanced ie crooked.

Then, make plans to address the imbalances that you have detected from the exercise and take action on them daily.