Friday, 1 March 2013

Initiating and Maintaining Change

I am sure that many of us are familiar with the phrase “Change or perish”. Initiating and maintaining change is hard work. Without proper techniques, most often, the consequences of change is failure.  

Chip and Dan Heath in their bestselling book “Switch” outlined several steps to initiate and maintain change in our personal and professional life.

Follow the Bright Spots – Research and investigate what’s working in the industry or other people and clone it.

Script the Critical Moves - Make the change small and specific. Describe in detail the behaviour that needs to be changed. Make is as vivid as possible.

Point to the Destination - What is the final outcome of the change process? Is it increased output? Cleaner and more orderly work space? Reduced accidents?

Find the Feeling – Make people feel something about the change process. If it’s to reduce wastage, show them the statistics. Pile up that one-side-printed paper on the table. Personalize the stories of the previous accidents victims. Show them the horrible accidents scene and say. “This could happen to all of us”.

Shrink the Change – Break down the change into smaller steps. Set smaller objectives along the way. Allocate each task to an individual or team and monitor accordingly.

Grow Our People - Cultivate a sense of identity and instill the growth mindset in the new environment. Put up posters, highlight the new identity in meetings, briefings and during coffee talk.

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