Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Conquering Public Speaking Fear

I am sure many of us have heard that speaking in front of an audience is among the number one fear for many people. It is not only endemic in new speakers but among the professional ones as well. The difference is that, professional speakers learn how to master the fear and use it to their advantage.

The tips below will help you to feel the fear, embrace it and channel the energy to your advantage in your next public speaking assignment;

Embrace it – Fear it good. It signals our body to be alert. The next time you feel the fear grows inside you, embrace it and say “This fear tells me that I need to prepare well”. Take action and do your preparation well.

Prepare , prepare, prepare – As mentioned previously, detailed preparation will help you to master your fear better. Know your material and prepare early. Write your speech and rehearse it many times. Record yourself on video. Ask for feedback from trusted friends and colleagues.

Breathing technique – Before taking the stage, breathe in deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Do this a few times until you feel calm and relaxed. Loosen your muscles by doing some light stretching as well.

Visualize – Close your eyes and imagine yourself giving the speech. See in your mind’s eye, the faces of your audience and their positive responses towards your speech. See yourself delivering it with confidence, enthusiasm and perfection. Feel the feeling and hear the sounds. Make the picture big, bright and colorful in your mind. Do this several times until you feel calm and ready to take the stage.      

Positive affirmation – Fear is fed with plenty of negative self-talk. To counter this, you need to rewrite your internal script. Use positive phrases such as “I am a great public speaker”,”My audience loves me”, “I prepare well”, “I love public speaking”, etc. If possible, say it out loud in front of a mirror and with full conviction.  

Smile – When you are on stage, the first thing that you need to do is smile your biggest smile. Many professional speakers say that smiling relaxes them. I believe it relaxes the audience too and make them more receptive towards your speech.  

Know Your Audience – Before you deliver your speech, do a background check on your audience. What is their average age? What language do they speak? What interests them? Remember that your audience is there to support you. They want you to succeed in your speech as much as you.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the tips, i'll do it for the next presentation... :)
