The late Stephen R. Covey in his book '7 Habits of Highly Effective People' stated that 'between stimulus and response there is a gap'. This implies that we have choices when it comes to the changes that we experience in the environment.
Some of the changes in the environment requires us to express emotional responses. As we have experienced many times in our lives, emotional responses can be positive or negative. Negatives emotions such as rage, anger, envy and others in the long run hamper our growth, destroy relationships and cause us to be less productive.
The opposite is true for positive emotions such as being happy, energized and motivated can propel us to greater heights. We experience more fulfilling life, are more productive and have rewarding relationship with others.
One of the technique to manage our emotions thus making us be more in control is Re-framing. What is re-framing? It is basically giving new meaning or interpretation for a negative event or experience that switch our emotions from negative to positive.
For example, if a car suddenly overtake us in a dangerous manner causing us to slam the brake, our natural and spontaneous response is to be angry and start cursing the driver. The worst part happens if we 'carry' the anger and vent it to our colleagues and family members long after the incident has happened.
Harnessing the power of choice, we can now re-frame the experience by saying to ourselves that maybe the driver is having an emergency and is on the way to the hospital. Thus, we have switched our emotions from being angry to that of a calmer state. We may even sympathize with the driver.
The good thing about this technique is that we can use it in any circumstances and it can be done instantaneously in seconds. So the next time you experience something negative or unpleasant, remember that you have a choice on how to response in a more positive manner using the re-framing technique. Start practicing it today.
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