Monday, 8 December 2014

Year End Goal Setting Self Coaching Questions

It's the time of the year again where people reflect on what they have achieved the rest of the year. Some reactions include regret (Why didn't I do it?), satisfaction (Thank God I quit that job!), shock (What? Year end already?) and ignorance (I don't need goals to be successful!).

To make personal and professional changes and move one step closer to having your dreams fulfilled, personal reflection is needed. It's like driving a car and looking at the rear view mirror to make sure all is safe and we are on the right track.

One of the most powerful tools to do the above is Self Coaching. Coaching is basically asking powerful questions that make people reflect on their problems or issues and come up with their own solutions. It creates empowerment. Coaching can be done one to one, group or on self.

Below are some powerful coaching questions that can be asked for self reflection (for goal setting);

  1. What is the purpose of my life?
  2. What makes me happy and fulfilled?
  3. What are my strength?
  4. How can I use my strength and achieve fulfillment?
  5. What are my weaknesses?
  6. How will my weaknesses prevent me from achieving my goals?
  7. What can I do to control or manage my weaknesses?
  8. What do I want to achieve next year?
  9. How will I achieve my new year goals?
  10. What possible barriers that prevent me from achieving my goals?
  11. What can I do to remove or manage the barriers?
  12. Who do I need to bring to achieve my goals?
  13. How do I measure my progress in term of my new year goals?
  14. What makes the goals important to me?
  15. What have I achieved so far in my life? this year?
  16. Am I happy with my progress? 
  17. How can I make myself happier?
  18. What kind of system do I need to put in place to help me achieve my goals?
  19. How will I reward myself once I achieve my goals?
  20. What changes do I need to make to get closer to my goals?
All the best in your year end reflection and may you achieve your goals in 2015.        

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