Sunday, 18 January 2015

The Laws of Learning (Part 1)

As a trainer that involves in adult learning, I have formulated several 'laws' that helped me to plan, prepare and deliver my sessions. Some of them are mentioned by the father of adult learning, Malcolm Knowles in his Adult Learning Theory (or better known as Androgogy). Maybe they can be of help to you too.

1. The Law of the Big Picture : Learners need to be informed of the overview of the session. This needs to be done at the early stage to provide an overall map of the lessons.

2. The Law of Application : As trainers, we need to emphasize how the things being taught can be applied in real life situation. Adult learners like to link their current learning with their real work.

3. The Law of Repetition : Adult learners learn by repetition. As trainers we need to constantly revisit previous lesson or key ideas to help adult learners remember them. This can be done by strategically plan short, interactive revision sessions in between modules.

4. The Law of Fun : Fun is a powerful tool to deliver learning. Fun is not funny. Fun here means that learners are interested to discover and discuss learning points with one another. When learners have fun, they are more open to learning and interaction with one another.

5. The Law of Sequence : Learning materials and learning presentations need to have logical sequence. Opening, body and closing are the common sequence when preparing and delivering lessons to adults. This help learners to grasp the concepts and application better.

6. The Law of Interaction : In preparing and delivering learning sessions, learners need to interact with the trainers, the materials and one another. Activities such as interactive lectures with Q&A, writing of notes and discussion are examples of application of this law.

7. The Law of Intervals : Latest research in learning suggests that adults can concentrate on one sitting of learning for no more than 90 minutes. As such, when designing and delivering modules, we need to ensure each session is less than 90 minutes long.

In part 2, we shall continue with several more Laws of Learning and how to apply them to make our sessions more impactful especially to our adult learners.        

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